Mobile Food Vehicle - Additional Locations - Permit Application

This application is for mobile food vehicles that already have an existing valid Mobile Food Vehicle Permit for the calendar year and would like to add additional locations to their permit.

If you do not have an existing valid Mobile Food Vehicle Permit, please refer to the Mobile Food Vehicle Permit Application

Business Information
Mobile Food Vehicle Information
Please attach the following items with this application
Site plan must show seating areas, parking areas, and where vehicle is going to be parked (unit/vehicle must be at least 10' from right-of-way; parking not obstructed/parking ratios met; driveways/fire lanes not obstructed)
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf.
Business Property Owner Permission Form

The Business/Property Owner Permission Form must be filled out by the business/property owner where goods will be sold.

The Business/Property Owner Permission Form can be filled out HERE.

Once it is filled out, you will receive an email confirming your submission. Save your email and upload the file to the "Business/Property Owner Permission Form" below. 

Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png txt rtf html pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx odp xls xlsx ods xml.
I certify the above described mobile food vehicle is properly insured, as well as licensed and registered by the State of Texas. I further certify that all employees who will be working in the mobile food vehicle will have a valid food handler certificate. I have received a copy, read, and agree to the rules and regulations as they pertain to the operation of the mobile food vehicle. I understand any permit issued is valid for a single location only. Additional locations require subsequent review, approval, and permit (no additional fee).